Well we had our beautiful Haven Marcella. She was born on July 23rd at 9:47am. She weighed 8 lbs 3 oz. And was 20.25 in. Long. She is perfect. She came out with a little blister on her arm from sucking in the womb and she's our hairiest baby yet. She had swallowed some meconium and needed some oxygen at first so I was only able to see her for a short period and then Jared went back to the nursery with her so they could suck out the meconium with a tube they had to stick down her throat. I'm so glad I didn't see that part. It had been over an hour and I started to get ancy because I wanted to nurse her. In the meantime I answered back text messages of everyone that had been anxiously waiting. The birth was about the same as Kade and Taylor, however the pushing was more difficult. Her arm came out with her head so that made me push longer. Luckily I had Dr. Baca again and she helped me thru it. It was also nice that it was just Jared and I in the room and got to share that moment together. It was very beautiful. Felt like a movie to be honest.
After I had her I kept saying I was so glad it was over and that she was finally here. I'm proud of Jared and I for creating another baby together with of course the help of God. We are so grateful to have 3 beautiful children and look forward to raising them and seeing what they each become.
I'm so in love.
So I don't have your email. I hope this gets to you through your blog. here is my blog http://thekremins.blogspot.com/ and my email is colettekremin@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI miss your blog! You need to up date. Love those little kiddos. Love ya Colette