
Update 2013

It has again been forever since I have blogged.  I kick myself if the butt all the times that I sit on my rump in front of the television instead of documenting my kids' lives so they can go back and have something to look at.  Needless to say a lot has happened since my last post.  Here is a sum up of what 2013 has brought us.
1. We are expecting another daughter at the end of July.  We are so excited.  I cried when the lady told us it was a girl.  (I will have a separate post for this later)
2. Kade is thriving in preschool.  He has now started reading workbooks.  To be honest, I am not too sure what that means, because I haven't seen any yet, but I am assuming it is a pretty big deal.
3. Kade started Soccer and just started  baseball yesterday.  It's going to be a juggling act for a while with him doing both, but soccer finishes at the end of April.  Jared is also an assistant coach for his baseball team and I seriously couldn't be more excited.  I look forward to all the games me and my girls will go to, to watch dad and brother rock it out.  The team is called "Little Monsters" and his soccer team is called "The squirrels".  I will also be posting more on this later. 
4. Taylor is growing like a weed and just the other day I told Jared how tall she is getting and thinning out.  She is going to be so tall, I love this. 
5. Taylor wants nothing more right now then to have long hair.  I think she looks at my hair and wishes hers was just as long.  She walks around the house sometimes with her hair down and tells me and Jared her hair is long.  It is the cutest.
6. Taylor started Gymnastics last week and I couldn't be more excited for her.  She did so great the first class.  She payed attention and honestly I thought that it seemed like second nature to her.  I look forward to all her gymnastics and dance she will do.  Hopefully her sister will follow in her footsteps and if she doesn't then that is fine too. 
7. We have been or shall I say I; I have been obsessed with redoing my living room and the kids' rooms before baby gets here.  We got some amazing comfortable couches and this has made me want to get a new rug, curtains, wall decor, ect.  We are also in the process of getting Taylor a new big girl bed.  Her and the baby are going to share a room, so I am really excited about doing their room and I also think Kade's room needs a revamp.  Very soon, maybe this weekend I have a strong urge to go through both my kids' clothes and rid of anything that doesn't fit.  I also want to rearrange Taylor's closet, since her and her sister will be sharing. 
My life feels really good, in a good place.  I haven't been as worried about my usual, or else I have been managing it pretty good.  I have seemed to get a little better grip on Kade's allergies and for now haven't had to put him on any medicine for them which I hate doing.  I am so grateful for my marriage to Jared, he is my love, and without him I feel lost.  All of my babies are healthy and so are Jared and I.  There is nothing more important in this life than health and happiness.  I am grateful most for those two things each and everyday.  I thank God and ask him to continue to grant us health and happiness on a daily basis.  I have great friends and I am learning more and more about myself, and realizing I am stronger than I think.  Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. love reading the update on your sweet family!! I'm so glad that things are going so great for you and life is just as it should be! (also so fun to go watch your boys play baseball :))
