
Happy Father's Day

~June 17~

Father's Day

 Since my dad is not here physically anymore I really try and make father's day now all about Jared.  I definitely call my step dad and go see him because he has been a huge part of my life and I love him dearly.  I'm so thankful for all that he has done.  As far as what I plan out, I really try to revolve it all around something we can do with Jared and show him just how much we love him. 
This year we decided that we would drive up to Durango for a bike ride around the river.  It is so much fun and such beautiful scenery.  We decided we would drive our bikes into town and go eat at Steamworks.  I was a little nervous crossing the streets with Kade since he is still really getting the hang of bike riding, but he did so good.  After we were done eating the kids were pretty tired and to be honest so was I.  Our food took forever so I think just sitting there gave us the yawns.  Once we got back to the car we let the kids stick their feet in the river because it was really hot.  They loved that part of it more than the bike ride I think.  I was so grateful to be with my family that day.
After we got home and freshened up I went over to spend dinner with my stepdad and mom and also my step brothers and sisters and after that I headed over to Leslee's so Jared could celebrate with his dad.  
Happy Father's day Jared!

We love you so much!!!
We're so lucky!

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