
Taylor Maclovia

My Beautiful Daughter
My beautiful little girl is getting so big.  I can't even begin to think of any words that could describe what a blessing she has been to our family.  She brings incredible amounts of joy to all our lives and she is my everything.  She has been up to so much lately, I don't even know where to begin.  I feel so terrible that I haven't done any updates on her, so I'm getting on the ball. 

She is 17 months on the 9th of Jan. 
Weighs 23 lbs.
She has been walking since she turned 1 and now runs all over the house. 
She is a picky eater and the only Veggies I can get her to eat are the Organic squeeze kind that are mixed with fruit.  Loves oranges, spaghetti, cheese, oatmeal, animal cookies, vanilla waffers, lasagna, and some. 
She is starting to talk so much.  Her most used words are Mom, Dad, Yea, Hi, Bye, Hot dog, nan for (Banana).
She loves her brother, but is sure Ornery with him as times
She loves pushing around her shopping cart
Loves carrying her purse like a big girl
Still likes her Binky, but we are down to her just having it for Sleep time
Sleeps 11-12 hours a night
Hits a little, and we get mad and then she gives us the pout, so cute and sad all at once
Loves to doodle on paper with crayons
Loves books, Loves books
Loves to show us her tummy and laughs
Still a little stingy with her kisses, but we feel special when we get them
Knows all her body parts
Follows directions extremely well
Loves for us to clap and say "YAY" when she does something grand like flush the toilet or throw something in the trash.

I could go on and on, but these are some of the most obvious things she does that we find endearing. 

Taylor suffers from Chronic ear infections.  I have had her blessed, taken her to the chiropractor, tried natural oils, cut sugars from her diet at times, limited juice or not given at all, taken her to see 5 different doctors all to avoid tubes, but it looks like that might be the resort we have to take.  I just want my baby to feel better.  It has caused me so much worry, stress and sleepless nights.  I have prayed my heart out for her to be better and prayed that it hasn't affected her language development or her equilibrium.  I know that whatever we decide it will be with careful planning and a lot of love and she will be just fine.  I love her so much and I never want her to have to suffer and its been hard to sit back and watch it with her ear. 

She is one of the best things that has ever and will ever happen to me. She is so loved!!!!


  1. She is so sweet!! I have several friends who got tubes for their babies with the same problem with chronic infections and they have loved them and wished they would have done them sooner. Braxton will also have to get them when he has his cleft surgery next summer. Hopefully they will help her feel better if that is the route y'all choose or that you can find something else that works!

  2. She is the cutest Crystal!

    Matt and DaLeas little girl got tubes put in, and they said it has made such a difference. Regardless what happens, Taylor will be just fine. Fingers crossed that she doesn't have to get tubes and that all your hard efforts pay off. {but if for some reason she needs to get them, keep your head up, she'll be just fine!}

    You're such a good mom Crystal.
