

Easter was a blast this year. Kade is really starting to grasp the concepts of bunnies, and old fat men with red hats. We did a big Egg hunt at our good family friend Tony's house on Saturday since everyone else had more plans for Sunday and everyone brought food, eggs, and their good moods. It was a great time. Sunday was also a lot of fun. We went to Church which was lovely, lunch with my mom, and then we all 4 came home for a nap. Later that day we went to My in laws for a big dinner, there was about 40 people there; it was a blast, and the food was delicious. I was happy my mom came to join us over there. I love her so much!! It was a great weekend! I was very tired at the end of it though. But just to add a cherry on top of the funness my hito woke up at 1:30 AM that Monday morning saying he had spit up so I went to his room to find puke all over his bed. Poor guy was trying to clean it with a kleenex in the dark so I wouldn't be upset. (Man some people are going to think I must be a mean woman for him to be scared of that) He's just such a good boy! I cleaned him all up, got new bedding on only for him to puke all over it again 20 minutes later. He puked all night till the morning. I wish it had been me and not him. I immediately thought it was all the candy and junk he had from the weekend, but I am pretty sure he caught Tony's bug he had from the Thursday night before the hunt we went over to his house to color eggs. All in all we made it through that, Easter was fun and wonderful and I can't wait to do it again next year. Actually I am great with waiting to do it 12 months from now. LOL! 

Till next year!

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