
Where's the Spirit?

Lately I have been hearing and reading about EVERYONE sending out Christmas cards. Ok so I should want to send out pics of my beautiful baby and a hunk-a-chunk of a husband, but I am lazy. Why does so much go into Christmas. I miss when I was little and Christmas just consisted of family time a great meal and watching the Christmas Story all day over and over. I guess since I am the parent it takes more of an effort, one that I didn't see so much when I was little. I am excited for Christmas and I don't mean this in a horrible way just in an exhausting way, BUT Christmas is so stressful. It's making sure everyone gets what they want, setting up the perfect Christmas tree that everyone will love (which by the way I didn't do, mine is as plain as they come and I am just as happy with it, I really am) finding the perfect outfits for your perfect little cards, buying decorations, filling stockings, and traveling back and forth from parents to in-laws. I know I know my problems are nothing compared to others but I feel sad the the real value of Christmas isn't there. It's so commercial. I need to make a vow for my families sake and that is to get in the dang spirit. All I have done is shop and set up a tree. I'm not saying I don't love Christmas becuase I do, I just wish I had that special feeling inside like I did when I was a little girl. I think things are hard becuase my dad isn't around and I miss him so much. It's very hard. He always made sure his kids had a great Christmas. I will never forget my most favoritist Christmas gift ever and that was my GO-Cart. My dad asked me to go in the kitchen and refill his coffee and there it was a black and white one with a big yellow bow! I think I cried. That was the best Christmas I ever had. What is your most favorite gift that stands out in your head??

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