

I have to admit Christmas was very stressful this year, but overall it turned out to be great. Christmas Eve was spent at my mom and stepdads house with some finger foods, gifts, and fun. It was very pleasant. Then Christmas morning we got up around 8:15 and opened presents at our own house with Kade and then headed over to my motherinlaws house around 10 for breakfast and presents again and then later at around 3:30 we went over to Sugar's house for dinner and more presents. I'm telling you my son got so many gifts I do not know what to do with them. We are very greatful for all the people that thought of us this year in the goodies we got, the cards we got and the gifts we received. Thank you everyone! It was very hard to put on a fun face on Christmas when I was feeling the queziness of pregnancy, but I got through it. Thank God!!!!!! I just want to add that I love my family so much and I really miss you dad.
Here are some pictures from our whirlwind Christmas. Next year I just wanna give back to the less fortunate and hold off on gifts in our family (except for my babies). I guess with feeling stressed from Christmas and then feeling sick all day everyday this is how I feel. Let's just see how I feel in December.
Someone is very excited!

Kade got a drum set from Jared's parents, he was pumped!Isn't my baby getting so big?
I will be posting more pictures of Christmas in this entry soon, my computer is acting up!


I only took 2 tests!

So Jared and I found out we are pregnant and I should probably make sure that things are good at the Dr. before I make any big announcements or anything, but I just can't help myself. We are very excited, but I feel terrible. I am not as bad with this one as I was with Kade in the sense that I am not hugging the toilet the whole time, but I definitely have the feeling of wanting to puke about 80% of the day. I don't feel as tired with this one yet, but we will see what the coming weeks bring. If this one is a girl I am tempted to be done having kids, but this nagging feeling keeps telling me I can't be done just yet. I feel like crap though and I hate it, I am counting down the days that I will start feeling better (if it ends at 12 weeks like it did with Kade). I have literally been in pajamas and stayed home since Christmas day, luckily I have great friends and family to bring me food and Ginger. Oh the wonderful things that pregnancy brings. Wow, I feel like crap.....HELP someone!

We are very excited!!


New Jacket

Look how tall my boy is getting!

I know I should post about big things but to me the little things count. The other day Jared told me that we better get Kade a nice winter Jacket because all the kid has are hoodies. ITS FREEZING OUTSIDE! So we went to Target and I found the perfect Jacket, so I tried it on Kade and he loved it and I couldn't help but think how big my not so baby anymore is. I had to share how cute he looked. He seemed so proud to have a big boy Jacket. He didn't want put back in the cart and wanted to wear his new black and red Jacket all over the store and he did just that.
Once again these are pictures with my blackberry. Sorry folks its the only camera I have on me at all times.


Where's the Spirit?

Lately I have been hearing and reading about EVERYONE sending out Christmas cards. Ok so I should want to send out pics of my beautiful baby and a hunk-a-chunk of a husband, but I am lazy. Why does so much go into Christmas. I miss when I was little and Christmas just consisted of family time a great meal and watching the Christmas Story all day over and over. I guess since I am the parent it takes more of an effort, one that I didn't see so much when I was little. I am excited for Christmas and I don't mean this in a horrible way just in an exhausting way, BUT Christmas is so stressful. It's making sure everyone gets what they want, setting up the perfect Christmas tree that everyone will love (which by the way I didn't do, mine is as plain as they come and I am just as happy with it, I really am) finding the perfect outfits for your perfect little cards, buying decorations, filling stockings, and traveling back and forth from parents to in-laws. I know I know my problems are nothing compared to others but I feel sad the the real value of Christmas isn't there. It's so commercial. I need to make a vow for my families sake and that is to get in the dang spirit. All I have done is shop and set up a tree. I'm not saying I don't love Christmas becuase I do, I just wish I had that special feeling inside like I did when I was a little girl. I think things are hard becuase my dad isn't around and I miss him so much. It's very hard. He always made sure his kids had a great Christmas. I will never forget my most favoritist Christmas gift ever and that was my GO-Cart. My dad asked me to go in the kitchen and refill his coffee and there it was a black and white one with a big yellow bow! I think I cried. That was the best Christmas I ever had. What is your most favorite gift that stands out in your head??


I can't believe I forgot

I feel so terrible. The other day I made a post about all the things I am thankful for and I COMPLETELY forgot to mention my #1 most thankful thing. God! I have a pit in my stomach because I forgot to mention that. I am seriously so upset and mad at myself. I am not the most religious person, but I consider myself a very spiritual person, a person very very close to her God. If it weren't for God I wouldn't have all the amazing blessings in my life. God has done so much for me and my family and I love him so much.


Yesterday Jared (Mr. Spoiled) got to see his brand new board, boots,and bindings (his excuse was he needed to put them together- Uh huh like I'm not smart) that he ordered as a Christmas gift from me to him. As he was putting it together and then gearing up on it he was jumping around on the board (strapped it) to break it in a little. Thought.....I assume that's why he was jumping around on it unless he was pretending he was on the mountain already, or just trying to look like a idiot (I love you babe, just a joke-Don't be Crassssy!! (Nacho Libre accent)). HEHEHE!!!
So back to the story- Kade got on his little John Deer tractor that my daddy got him and started trying to jump like Jared, it was so funny. So after Jared got out of his boots Kade went over and put them on with a little help from dad and I have a feeling that tonights gonna be a good night. Oh sorry I went off on Black Eyed Peas for a moment. I have a feeling that Kades gonna rock at snowboarding. He was loving it. We were pushing him around on the board and he had a perma. So cute!!

Is it just me or do you have visions of your baby being the best whatever it is?

Kade likes to dance so i'm like always playing music for him so he will be a bad ass dancer or like teaching him stuff all the time and talking to him like an adult so he will be very intelligent, or letting him play with stethascopes so he will be a doctor. Ok Ok don't judge me, I do let him be a kid, but you can't hate for me wanting to guide him (in a loving way) to be the best whatever he will be.

Bottom line Kade, Mommy wants you to just be happy whatever it is you choose to be. I will always love you.