

Ok so I am pretty sure I am obsessed with Stephenie Meyer's books. FOREVER so many people have been telling me that I need to read Twilight and all the other books that go along with it, but honestly I am not a reader (AT ALL). So the other night Jared and I Netflixed Twilight and I FREAKIN loved the movie, I didn't want it to end. I felt like I was waiting for them to kiss the whole movie and when they finally did, I felt like I was falling in love all over again. U all, Twilight rocks....I went to bed wanting to dream about Edward. So the next day I went to Target (My fav store ever)to buy the next series New Moon, but my friend Megan insisted I buy Twilight (even though I just saw the movie) and I was mad because I am dying to know what happens next, but I guess she is right I need to do this the right way. So here I am reading Twilight. I got it yesterday and almost read 100 pages, I don't even know where I found the time, but I had to. I plan on reading that in a week maybe give myself a week and half and then buy New Moon and read that in a week and a half because the Movie comes out in 30 days and I need to be on track. What's awesome is if you go to Stephenie Meyer's website she writes about how Twilight and all it's glory came about. You must read it! I couldn't believe it all stemmed from a dream she had and she began the book in the middle and worked backwards. She is a genius, pure genius... Awesome thing is, she is an ordinary woman that lives in Arizona (Just like beautiful Bella) and has kids just like a lot of us bloggers do.. I was impressed.

You all have to understand, I am not a reader, but maybe this has changed me... I don't know a part of me wants to be in love with a vampire. Wanna know the crazy things??? Jared and I are Vampires for Halloween and I decided this before the whole Twilight thing... Who knows maybe Edwards knew I was going to meet him very soon.... What are your thoughts on Twilight?? Are you in love as much as I am??


  1. Girl- the book is SO much better than the movie! If you liked the movie first, you'll love the book! Be warned though, I thought the first half of New Moon was really slow and boring. Hopefully the movie is better :) I'm in the middle of the 4th book... LOVE them!

  2. I am a closet twilight lover!!! I am so in love with Edward!!! Love all the books not so much the movie!! But i was like you I was dying to know what happens next and that was ALL i could think about!!!

  3. I too am not a reader, but I seemed to cruise right through the series and cant wait for the next movie!!
    thanks for the kind comment on my blog!! ;)

  4. I've read all the books and I HATE reading! The movie was...well...ok...nothing close to the movie. I'm excited for the next movie, they got a new director, I think? I'm not and Edward fan, I like Jacob.

  5. You crack me up! I truly thought I was the LAST person to read the books, but you got me beat!

    And yes, I can hardly wait till the movie comes out!
